
LGBTQ+ Resource Guide

Arne Nixon Center

Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children's Literature

A Special Collections unit of the Library at California State University, Fresno, the Arne Nixon Center is one of North America's leading resources for the study of children's and young adult literature. The growing collection of 70,000 books, periodicals, manuscripts, original art, and papers of authors and illustrators, has an international and multicultural emphasis. Its materials are available to anyone for use in the Center's reading area located on the 3rd Floor in the South Wing of the Library.

The Center houses a vast collection of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning) themed books written for children and young adults. Original donations from several well-known librarians have resulted in quick growth for this genre within the Center's collection, making it the largest such collection of LGBTQ books for young readers any library in the USA.  An annotated bibliography of the LGBTQ books can be found on the Center’s website. 

Visit the Center's website for more information on the LGBTQ collection.

Special Collections

Special Collections Research Center - LGBTQ+ Collections

The Special Collections Research Center is located on the 4th Floor, South Wing of the Library. Visit SCRC's website for more information on how to access their collections.