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Biol 1A -- Introductory Biology

Biology of Disease Paper (Summer 2020, Dr. Van Laar)

Google Scholar

Google Scholar (with Fresno State library access links)

Follow the link above and SAVE the Library access settings before continuing to search Google Scholar. This will give you Fresno State library links when searching from off campus.
Types of Content: Links to peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly and research organizations.  Also includes patents.

How do I get the article without paying?

If Google Scholar's links don't get you to the article text or you are asked to pay for the article, use the Find It @ Fresno State link:
it will connect to our e-subscriptions, catalog, and our Interlibrary Loan form.
If the Find It @ Fresno State link does not appear, click on the double arrow on the end of the last row of the reference entry.

Is it an article or something else?

Keep in mind that Google Scholar searches a lot of types of sources, including articles. Pay attention to what you retrieve if you are looking for a specific type of publication.
Refer to the Library's FAQ What is this citation for ... ?   if you don't know if it is a citation to a book, article, or book chapter.