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ScholarWorks for RTP submissions

Help for faculty who wish to share items in Scholarworks for inclusion in RTP portfolios.


With the shift to remote work, all faculty personnel actions this year will be handled via the Interfolio system. Interfolio can handle many kinds of materials, but for larger files Faculty Affairs is recommending that you deposit them in the ScholarWorks respository and link to them from Interfolio.

ScholarWorks is a shared institutional repository that collects, preserves, and provides access to scholarship by research communities at The California State University, including scholarship from Fresno State. You can read more about it here. Any work related to your teaching and scholarship at Fresno State is appropriate for inclusion in ScholarWorks, and any type of file may be deposited.

You can submit materials to ScholarWorks yourself, as shown below, or contact David Drexler with information on what you wish to submit.


Keep in mind that submissions to ScholarWorks must go through a manual approval process, and so please submit materials to ScholarWorks two business days before your case file deadlines. (If you are closer to your deadline than two business days, please contact David Drexler. We will do our best to get your materials submitted.)

Self-submission instructions

You can submit files directly to ScholarWorks, where they will be reviewed by library staff and made available.

1. Navigate to ScholarWorks

Visit ScholarWorks at and choose the "Share Your Work" button.

ScholarWorks home page


2. Log in to ScholarWorks

Choose Fresno from the Campus menu, and log in with your campus account.

ScholarWorks login screen

3. Add a new work

From the dashboard, choose "Works" and then "Add new work."

ScholarWorks dashboard


4. Select the work type

For these purposes, "Publication" will likely be the best choice.

ScholarWorks work type screen


5. Enter a description of your submission

Following the directions on the form, enter your name, the title of your submission, and an abstract. You will be asked to indicate the type of work. Choose the closest option, and if no option seems to fit, choose "Presentation." Select your college and department, and enter the date.

In the right column, you will see a choice for "Visibility." Choose "Public" to make the item available on the open web, or "Cal State" to limit access to CSU-affiliated people. If you want to provide temporary access, you can choose "Lease," which will allow you to set an end date for when the item will be available. To be sure you are allowing time for all reviews to take place, consider entering the end of the academic year, 5/15/2021.

ScholarWorks work info


6. Add your file(s)

Choose the Files tab, and upload the file(s) for your submission. Check to agree to the deposit agreement, and click Save.

ScholarWorks add files screen


7. Find your link

You will see a Review and Approval page with the information you submitted. In addition, you will see a URL labeled "Handle." This is a persistent URL that you can use to link to your submission from Interfolio.

Keep in mind that your submission will need to be approved by library staff before it is visible.

ScholarWorks handle link



If you have questions at any point in the process, contact David Drexler.