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Grant Seeking and Proposal Background Resources

Finding freely available information online to prepare grant proposals

Demographic, Social & Economic Statistics Sources

The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case Study of Fresno, California
     (From: The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case Studies from Communities Across the U.S.)

Census QuickFacts  Basic social, demographic, and business statistics.
Recent data for the nation, states, counties, and cities/towns of over 5,000 people.
   1. Select a state
   2. Select a county or city
   3. Click Go
For more detailed information, click on the magnifying glass to the left of the place name above the table

 American Community Survey (ACS) Data Profiles
"Data Profiles have the most frequently requested social, economic, housing, and demographic data. Each of these four subject areas is a separate data profile. The Data Profiles summarize the data for a single geographic area, both numbers and percent, to cover the most basic data on all topics."
1. Select 5-year ACS Data Profiles from 2017 - 2021 back to 2010 - 2014
2. Select from Geographies: including County, County Subdivision, Place, Census Tract, ZIP Code Tabulation Area
3. Click Get Data Profile Links
4. Select a Data Profile: Social Characteristics, Economic Characteristics, Housing Characteristics, & Demographic Characteristics

More Census tips on our Census research guide.

Demographic Research Unit, California Department of Finance
Many tables include county-level data:
    • Demographic and economic forecasts
    • Demographic Reports (Includes US Census Bureau data for California, and a section on immigration and migration.)

Labor Market Information by County California Employment Development Department
    •  Local Area Profiles: overviews of labor market information by county
        Select a county from the menu, then click on View Local Area Profile

A Portrait of California 2021-2022: Human Development and Housing Justice, Measure of America
Link to the pdf report and interactive map from this webpage

Portrait of California 2014-15. Fact-based exploration of how children and their communities across California are doing is a must-read for policymakers, business leaders, philanthropists, and anyone who cares about our future. The report uses health, education, and income indicators to sort communities across the state into five distinct “Californias” defined not by geography but by well-being and access to opportunity
Data and Resources about the health and well-being of children in communities across California