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Chem 3A -- Introductory General Chemistry

Cite Your Sources

When you quote, summarize, refer to, or use information from another source, you need to document where that information came from.

This gives credit to the author(s) of that information, and allows the reader to go back to the original sources for further information and context.

More information on why and when to cite your sources.

Fresno State Library APA Citation Guide (4-page pdf)

OWL-Online Writing Lab, Purdue University
APA Formatting and Style Guide

APA Official Guides

  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  6th ed. 2010
  copies in Reference & at Reference Desk  BF76.7 .P83 2010
          Concise Rules of APA Style.
       6th ed. 2010
       copies in Reference & at Reference Desk BF76.7 .C66 2010

APA Style Blog

Always check and edit automatically-generated citations!


From OneSearch

Click on the article title to see the full record. Then at the top of the screen, click on " Citation and select the citation style you want

OneSearch Citation


From Academic Search Ultimate

Click on the article title to see the full record, then on Cite, in the Tools column on the right



From Google Scholar

On the last line of the entry, click on the quotation mark and copy/paste from the popup list of a selection of common citation styles.

Google Scholar Cite