Enter your search terms in the OneSearch search box on the library homepage.. For example, you can search for item titles, authors, or a general topic.
After searching, you can select a specific collection to search from the drop-down menu.
Placing an "AND" (must be all caps) between keywords narrows your search to include only results that include both keywords. In OneSearch, this is done by default, so including the "AND" is not necessary in most cases.
Placing an "OR" (must be all caps) between keywords expands your search to include results that include either of your keywords. This can be helpful when there are multiple words that mean the same thing that you want to search.
Use quotation marks to search for keywords as an exact phrase.
If you want to search for variations of a word, place an asterisks mark in the spot where the variations begin. For example, child* will find child, child's children, and children's.
You can use parentheses to create complex searches that utilize both "AND" and "OR". In this example, you would be searching for any results that include the word nursing, along with either the word children or infants. You can also utilize the multiple search boxes within Advanced Search to accomplish the same thing.
Choose Advanced Search for even more searching options, including the option to search by title or author. You can can also specify resource type, language, or publication date.
At the top of the OneSearch, you will find a number of helpful tools and links. Click through the gallery for a description of menu item.
Start a new search within OneSearch. This will remove any keywords in your search box, as well as any facets you have activated.
Choose this link if you would like to leave OneSearch and select a specific database, such as Academic Search or JSTOR.
Use Find a Citation if you have a citation for a specific article, journal, or book, and would like to locate that item. You do not to fill out all fields within Find a Citation tool, but it's usually best to enter all the information you have.
Use Journals by Title if you would like to check the library's access to a specific journal, newspaper, or other periodical. This tool will locate both electronic and print holdings.
Click the Need Help icon to view tutorials and other informational resources for OneSearch.
Click the ellipsis icon to see more menu items.
Use Ask a Librarian to view the options for getting help from a librarian, such as chat, email, or phone.
With Browse, you specify a call number, subject heading, or title, and browse subsequent results in order.
View previous search queries from your current OneSearch session. You can also view saved searches if you are logged in.
Click the pin icon to access your favorites folder, where any items you have pinned will be located. Make sure you are signed in when pinning icons. Otherwise, they will be lost when you end your OneSearch session.
When signed in, with My Account you can view your personal information, see items you have checked out, items that have been requested or are ready for pickup, and also see any fines you have accrued.
Make sure you sign in to Onesearch with your Fresno State username/password. You will need to be signed in to save and request items, as well as view your library account.
After searching in OneSearch, you have a number of options for narrowing and refining your results to help you better find what you need. These options are commonly called facets or limits. Click through the gallery to for an explanation of these various facets.
Click the CSU+ icon if you'd like to expand your search to include books and media from all 23 CSU libraries. Most items from other libraries can be requested and arrive at Fresno State in 2-4 business days.
With OneSearch, by default you will only see articles that are available in online full text. Check this box to expand your search to include non full-text articles. You may want to do this if you are searching for a specific article and can't find it, or if there aren't many results for your search. Articles not available in full text can be requested through interlibrary loan. Just make sure you sign in first.
The Available at Fresno State section includes three options for limiting to items with certain availability:
With the Resource Type facet, you can include (or exclude) only certain types of resources, such as books, articles, or audio visual materials.
Include only items that were published during a certain time period.
Include (or exclude) items from specific locations in the library.
Include (or exclude) items written in specific languages.
Learn the various features and options available within an item record in OneSearch
At the top of an item record you will find brief details, including title, author (and often year of birth/death), year of publication, and book cover image.
Additionally, there is a pin icon to save the item to your favorites folder.
The "In the Library" section will display item availability. Items available online will have full text online links, while items in print will display details to locate your item within the library. Details include item location and call number, loan policies, item status, and an option to locate your item on a library map.
The "Send To" section contains a number of helpful options, including a citation generator, permalink, and options to export the item to a number of citation management software systems.
The "Details" section will offer further description of the item, including alternate titles, authors, Library of Congress subject headings, chapters, pages numbers, and more. You may click the author and subject headings to browse other items from the same author or subject.