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Map and Aerial Photograph Collections

Map Collection Highlights

Topographic Maps, including:
   •  Current quadrangles in the 1:24,000 (7.5') topographic map series for the 19 western states
      (from North Dakota south to Texas and west).
   •  Older editions of the 1:24,000 quadrangles for California
   •  1:62,500 (15') quadrangles for many states;
   •  Other California historical topographic map series:
      we have many sheets from the 31,680 (7.5'), 125,000 (30'), and 250,000 (60') scale series.
   •  United States at 1:1,000,000, 1:250,000 and 1:100,000
   •  Historical USGS 1:31,680 Topos of Fresno County
       Digitized topos in the Library's e-collections

   •  Mexico: large scale series
   •  U.S. Defense Mapping Agency/Army Map Service: WWII-era maps of many areas of the world

Maps of Other Countries
We have maps of most countries and regions of the world. These can be found via OneSearch (select Fresno State - Books & Media)

Geologic Maps, including:
   •  USGS map series including: 
      • •  Geophysical Investigations (GP)
      • •  Geologic Quadrangles (GQ)
      • •  Geologic Investigations (I)
      • •  Hydrologic Investigations (HA)
      • •  Miscellaneous Field Studies (MF)
      • •  Mineral Resource Investigations (MR)
   •  California Geological Survey (CGS, formerly Division of Mines & Geology) maps including: 
      • •  Geologic maps of California
      • •  Bouguer gravity maps
      • •  Map Sheet series
      • •  Seismic Hazard Maps
      • •  Alquist-Priolo Fault Maps
   •  Dibblee Foundation geologic maps
   •  Geological Society of America maps
  More about Geologic Maps

Nautical Charts and Bathymetric Maps (Not for Navigational Purposes: these are all older editions), including:
   •  Charts for foreign waters U.S. from U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
      formerly National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
      Most are listed in the library catalog:  1st floor, Maps vertical G3201 .P5 no. ____
   •  NOAA charts listed in catalogs 2 (Pacific Coast), 3 (Alaska), and 5 (U.S. Bathymetric and Fishing Maps)
      Most are listed in the library catalog: 1st floor, Maps vertical G3692 .P2 no. ____ 

Aeronautical Charts (Not for navigational purposes: these are all older editions)
   •  Operational Navigation Charts, 1:1,000,000
      • •  only a few are listed in the library catalog: 1st floor, Maps vertical G3200 s100 .U54 ONC-
            ask at the Maps desk for help identifying other sheets
   •  Tactical Pilotage Charts, 1:500,000
      • •  only a few are listed in the library catalog: 1st floor, Maps vertical G3200 s500 .U55 TPC-
            ask at the Maps desk  for help identifying other sheets
   •  World Aeronautical Charts, 1:1,000,000

      1st floor, Maps vertical G3701 .P6 s1000 .N3 (21 sheets)
   •  Sectional Aeronautical Charts, 1:500,000
      1st floor, Maps vertical G3701.P6 s500 .U5 (54 sheets)