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Summer 2024 for CSM RISE and LSAMP

Style Guides

APA 7th Resources

APAStyle Style and Grammar Guidelines

APAStyle Tutorials and Webinars

Graduate Writing Studio's APA Citation Quick Guide 7th Edition

Purdue OWL APA Formatting And Style Guide (7th Edition)

APA 7th Handout Fresno State Library (2 page pdf)

 AMA manual of style: a guide for authors and editors. 10th edition

 Purdue OWL Guide to AMA Style
 Citation examples via University of Washington Libraries
   Using Zotero with Word or Google Docs for references:
   In the Document Preferences tab in Word or Google Docs, check the box in front of:
   Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations. The Journal Abbr field will be ignored

CSE (Council of Science Editors)

Citation examples via Ohio State University Libraries
CSE Documentation Style  from The Writer's Handbook, University of Wisconsin-Madison
In print in the library's Reference collection:
Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers 1st Floor - Reference  T11 .S386 2014

American Chemical Society

ACS guide to scholarly communication. 2020
  • ACS Style Quick Guide (References)

CASSI Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index
Find standard abbreviations for journal names.

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Author Information Journal of Biological Chemistry
Preparing the manuscript text: scroll down to the section on References.
     Using Zotero with Word or Google Docs for references
     In the Document Preferences tab in Word or Google Docs, select Journal of Biological Chemistry,
     and check the box in front of: Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations. The Journal Abbr field will be ignored


American Physical Society
"...overview of content, technical, and style requirements for preparing manuscripts for submission to the Physical Review journals.
For comprehensive guidelines, please consult the Physical Review Style and Notation Guide*,  Frequently used Memos, and other indicated guidelines, as well as recent issues of the specific journals

*Journal title abbreviations are in the appendix, starting on page 22.
" Additional standard abbreviation listings recommended for your use are Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI) (American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.) and Abbreviations of the Names of Scientific Periodicals Reviewed in Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI).

Citation & Style Guides on the Library's Animal Sciences guide