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Industrial Technology Research Guide

Build Your Search

What Are You Searching For?

Build Your Search

Main concept
    common name, scientific name: bladder cancer, bladder neoplasms;    sleeping sickness, African trypanosomiasis  

Modify that concept: What aspects?
    etiology, epidemiology, therap*, treatment, prevention, control, vectors, transmission, diagnosis, 
    complications, drug therapy, risk factors, biological control, prevalence


Take Control of Your Search

Use Boolean Operators to specify how to connect your search words:
       and to get results including both terms
       or to search either term
       not to omit a word from the results
Use an asterisk * to get different word endings:   photosynthe* to get photosynthesis, photosynthetic, photosynthesize, etc.)
Use quotation marks around words to have them searched as a phrase:   "rumen fermentation"

Play With Your Search

Try adding different aspects to your main concept, synonyms, broader or more specific terms.
        Look at terms used in the title, abstract, and subjects of results that you like for ideas.

What options does the database/search engine give for you to Refine Your Results?
        e.g., publication dates, publication types (e.g. scholarly journals), age groups, human/animal, language...