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California County Social, Demographic & Health Statistics

County-Level Demographic, Social & Economic Statistics Sources

QuickFacts  Basic social, demographic, and business statistics.
Recent data for the nation, states, and counties, and for cities/towns of over 5,000 people.

1. Type in a place name or zip code
2. Select area from the list
3. Click Go
4. For more detailed information, click on the magnifying glassto the left of the place name at the top of the table.

Demographic Research Unit, California Department of Finance
Many tables include county-level data:
    • Demographic and economic forecasts
    • Demographic Reports (Includes US Census Bureau data for California, and a section on immigration and migration.)

Labor Market Information by County California Employment Development Department
    •  Local Area Profiles: overviews of labor market information by county
        Select a county from the menu, then click on View Local Area Profile

A Portrait of California 2021-2022: Human Development and Housing Justice, Measure of America
Link to the pdf report and interactive map on this webpage