[California] County Health Status Profiles online 1999-
California Health Data and Statistics Sources:
• Birth and Death Statistical Reports California Department of Public Health
• Vital Records Data & Statistics Department of Public Health
• Diseases and Conditions Department of Public Health
Some have statistical information.
• The California Community Burden of Disease Engine (CCB) Department of Public Health
"exploring the intersection between health disparities and place"
• Open Data Portal Health & Human Services Agency
• Data & Statistics Department of Health Care Services
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
"A collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute."
Ranks counties according to its health outcomes and the multiple health factors that determine a county’s health.
Get county-level demographics, specific indicators for measures of health, leading causes of death, etc.
United States Diabetes Surveillance System US Center for Disease Control
"An interactive web application of ... diabetes data and trends at national, state, and county levels."
California Health Interview Survey UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
Register for free, then login and select AskCHIS
Food Environment Atlas Economic Research Service, USDA
County-level statistics on three broad categories of food environment factors: Food Choices, Health and Well-Being, and Community Characteristics.
Documentation often links to the source reports.
Social Vulnerability Index CDC/ATSDR
"the potential negative effects on communities caused by external stresses on human health. Such stresses include natural or human-caused disasters, or disease outbreaks."
♦ Interactive map
Healthy People 2010: A 2010 Profile of Health Status in the San Joaquin Valley. (pdf). Fresno State. Central California Health Policy Institute