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World's Fair Collection



The World’s Fair and Exposition Information and Reference Guide
World’s Fair links
Chappell, Urso S.A. ExpoMuseum: World’s Fair History, Architecture and Memorabilia
Maier, Nicolas. International Exhibitions and World Fairs [medals]
National Gallery of Art, Photographic Archives: Photographs of International Expositions
Online Archive of California: [type in "expositions" in search box to get a general set of more than 2000 images from different expositions. Can narrow search later]

Wikipedia,The Free Encyclopedia: List of world’s fairs.
archInform: World Exhibit
Coenen, Stephen T. ( World Fairs of the 1900′s


Snyder, Iris R.: Progress Made Visible: American World’s Fairs and Expositions




1893 World’s Columbian Exposition
The World’s Columbian Exposition: Idea, Experience, Aftermath Julie K. Rose, hypertext, interactive M.A. thesis, University of Virginia
1893 World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago)
Gair, Christopher: Whose America?: White City and the Shaping of National Identity, 1883-1905 [click on Essays, then White City]
Illinois Institute of Technology, Paul V. Galvin Library Digital History Collection: World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893
Internet 1996 World Exposition: Voices from the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition
Rose, Julie K. City Beautiful: The 1901 Plan for Washington D.C.

1933-1934 Century of Progress Exposition
Brooks, Monica G.: The Good Housekeeping Stran-Steel House Chicago Worlds’ Fair, 1933

Duncan, Ray. Neonatology on the Web: Century of Progress Exposition
PBS: American Experience | Streamliners | People & Events
People & Events: Chicago Century of Progress Exposition (World’s Fair), 1933-1934
Mayton, Don M. (project director). National Automotive and Truck Museum of the United
States. 1933-1934 Chicago World’s Fair: GM Futurliner Restoration Project
Internet 1996 World Exposition: Voices from the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair
Kidd, Dustin: Dissemination of Order in Chicago’s Century of Progress

New York

1939 World’s Fair (New York)
Anderson, Alan. New York World’s Fair 1939-1940
Rose, Julie K. The Iconography of Hope: The 1939-40 New York World’s Fair
New Deal Network. New York World’s Fair, 1939
Voices from the 1939 New York World’s Fair
The New York Times: Looking Forward, Looking Back: 1939, Building the World of Tomorrow At the New York World’s Fair.
1939 and 1940 World’s Fairs

Free Library of Philadelphia: Centennial Exhbition Digital Collection

San Francisco
Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco
The Panama Pacific International Exposition
Golden Gate International Exposition
New Deal Network. Treasure Island, CA (Golden Gate Intl. Expo)
The 1894 San Francisco Midwinter Fair
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley: The Way California Could Be: the Panama Pacific International Exposition
Panama Pacific International Exposition 3D

St. Louis
Irwin, Lyndon. Agricultural Events at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair (Southwest Missouri State University)
Corbett, Bob. Dogtown and the St. Louis World’s Fair




African American Photos for Paris Expositions 1900 Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
National Gallery of Art. Anatomy of an Exhibition: Art Nouveau, 1890-1914. The Paris World’s Fair, 1900
Provenzo, Eugene F.: Paris 1900: The Exhibit of American Negroes

Landow, George P. The Crystal Palace, or The Great Exhibition of 1851: An Overview Greenhalgh, Michael. ArtServe, Australian National University (photographs and descriptions of objects d’art exhibited at the 1851 fair in London)
The Great Exhibition: By Exhibitor
The Great Exhibition: By Medium
The Great Exhibition: By Type

1910 Exposition Universelle de Bruxelles (Xavier Languy)

Gamba, Walter: The 1902 Exhibit (Torino)