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Resources for the Dream Success Center

Resources for DACA Students and Dream Success Center and more!

Search books.

The Fresno State Library has well over a million books and media. It's the largest collection in the San Joaquin Valley.


  • Search the Library catalog (by author, title, keyword)
  • Write down (or text) the book information and location (e.g. Lower Level  R726.8 .C686 )
  • Locate the book on the shelves, and browse around for others related to the topic.
  • For books available at other libraries, use our Link+, and Illiad services.


For more detailed instructions about finding books and other media, click to the Assignment Research Calculator.

Read articles.

Journals (a.k.a. magazines) are a critical resource for all academic libraries. The Fresno State Library subscribes to 60,000 journals. Most are online; the rest in print or microfilm on the 2nd floor.

If you have a subject you want to browse, or a specific journal you want to look at, you could do this online, but it is a bit awkward.  Instead, search for articles within the journals by using our federated search tool, or specific databases.

Federated search (the Big Box)

  • From the Library's home page, enter a few keywords (e.g. racism and police) in the Big Box. 
  • The results list books and articles on your topic.
  • Limit your results by date, subject, scholarly sources and full-text.

​Databases (over 250 of them!)

  • From the Library's home page, choose Databases by Subject, or A-Z
  • Each database provider (e.g. EBSCO, Proquest, Lexis) has its own look, but they all basically work the same way.
  • Whenever possible, limit your results to scholarly and full-text sources.

Find Materials in our Library
