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Educational Leadership

Resources for EdD students completing studies in Educational Leadership.

P-12 Statistics

National Center for Educational Statistics access to recent versions of their publications: The Condition of Education; Digest of Educational Statistics; Education Statistics Quarterly; NAEP Reports; Projections of Education Statistics; other NCES reports.

U.S. Department of Education

California Department of Education Data and Statistics

CAASPP Smarter Balanced & Alternative Assessment results from the state of California.

Fresno County Office of Education

Data & Research from the US Department of Education.

ED Data Express  State-level education data from the US Department of Education

The Nation's Report Card   the academic achievement of elementary and secondary students in the US from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

American FactFinder  U.S. Census Bureau for population, housing, economic, and geographic data

More Census data

P-12 Other Resources

ETS  conducts assessment and policy research and develops assessments and related services to advance quality and equity in learning worldwide.

Common Core State Standards

No Child Left Behind  US Dept of Education information, including the act and policy

Race to the Top to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access

National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards & Student Testing   UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies

US Department of Education

Finding Information about Psychological Tests from the American Psychological Association

Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students video overview of lit reviews at the graduate level, from North Carolina State University

Finding Where to Publish  designed to help you determine the most appropriate places to submit your manuscripts and will help you 

  • Identify and evaluate potential journals and book publishers
  • Find acceptance rates, journal and author impact