The best way to locate books, in both electronic and print format, is by using our OneSearch tool, located prominently on the library's website. To learn more, visit the library's guide to using OneSearch.
The Library offers two options for requesting materials from other libraries:
To find eBooks, go to the library's home page and do a search from the home page search box. Enter your key words and then choose eBooks on the left side of the page to narrow your results.
Below are some of the subclasses in the area of Language and Literature (P-PZ) that may help you as you browse the stacks. For the complete Library of Congress Classification Schedule, click here.
Here is an example of a call number that you might find on a book:
1. Books are shelved alphabetically by the first letter or letters (PR)
2. They are then arranged numerically by the number that comes after the letters (4034)
3. Finally, books are shelved alphabetically by the next letter and then decimally by the following number (.P7