According to the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA), a "Concept: A clearly written and possibly visual description of the new product idea that includes its primary features and consumer benefits, combined with a broad understanding of the technology needed."
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a "small business" as one with fewer than 500 employess and less than $7 million in sales. That seems pretty big to me! There is a district office in Fresno, and information specific to the region.
The State of California also has interest in small business development, as does the City of Fresno.
And, don't forget your permits!
Gale's Business Plans Handbook Series - This series offer actual business plans compiled by entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses. Sample plans are from businesses in the manufacturing, retail, and service industries, which serve as examples of how to approach, structure, and compose business plans.
The Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies (Book)
How to Set Your Own Small Business: Study Guide (Book)
Your First Business Plan (Book)
Other useful library resources on business plans
Write Your Business Plan (
Business Plans & Financial Statements Template Gallery (SCORE)