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Animal Sciences

Books in Fresno State Library

Use the OneSearch to search for books, streaming media, DVD's, maps, and more available through the Fresno State Library:



  1. On the library's homepage, 
    select Books and Media
    enter your keywords, 
    and press enter.




  1. Items located in the library
    will display location and
    call number.

    Digital items will display
    online access links.

Books from Other Libraries

If you don't find what you need in OneSearch: Books & Media, use the  CSU+ Resource SharingAll CSU Libraries (CSU+)   link on the left column to search for and request an item from another library in the CSU system

For instance, search OneSearch:Books & Media for the title "Intelligent robots and drones for Precision Agriculture"
      Then click on CSU+ Resource SharingAll CSU Libraries (CSU+)  to search CSU Books & Articles at other CSU libraries.
      If another CSU library has the item, click on GET IT to request an article, and either Get a physical copy OR Need a chapter? for books