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Fashion Merchandising Research Guide

Key Journals in Marketing

Please check the availability of the journals on the Journals by Title page, as not all of them may be accessible through the Fresno State Library.

Advances in Consumer Research Proceedings

AMA Educators’ Conference Proceedings

Business Horizons

California Management Review

Decision Sciences

European Journal of Marketing

Harvard Business Review

Industrial Marketing Management

International Journal of Research in Marketing

Journal of Advertising

Journal of Advertising Research

Journal of Business

Journal of Business Ethics

Journal of Business Logistics

Journal of Business Research

Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Global Marketing

Journal of Health Care Marketing

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of International Marketing

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing and Morality

Journal of Marketing Education

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Journal of Public Policy and Marketing

Journal of Retailing

Journal of Service Marketing

Journal of Service Research

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Management Science

Marketing Education Review

Marketing Letters

Marketing Science

Psychology and Marketing

Sloan Management Review

Helpful Websites

Ad Age - A wealth of information and news about advertising and marketing. Full text articles from 1959 are available through the library databases listed here.

NPD Group - Great resource for marketing reports and sales information.

Pew Research Center: State of the News Media (Project) - This project offers reports and fact sheets with useful data on media usage, media ownership, and opinions toward the media.

USPTO Search for Patents - The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's databases for patent searching.

Springwise - Daily and weekly newsletters on business ventures, new ideas and concepts. - Monthly trend briefings available in various languages.