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Media, Communication and Journalism

Research guide for students enrolled in MCJ classes.

Finding Books and Articles @ the Library

Use OneSearch on the library homepage to search for books and articles, and to search and request items from other libraries through CSU+. For more information and tips, please visit the library's guide to using OneSearch

Databases for MCJ

Databases for MCJ

Resources for Advertising

Databases for Advertising Research

Industry Research

Demographic and Market Research

Additional Resources

See the Business Research Guide for additional resources that are available.

Materials at other Libraries

Didn't find an item you were looking for? Chances are we can still get it from another library for free!

The Fresno State Library offers two options for requesting materials:


  • Find and request books and media from all 23 CSU libraries. 
  • Materials arrive in 2-4 business days
  • Most books have 60 day lending periods, no renewals. Media items (DVD's, audio CD's, etc.) usually 30 days, no renewals
  • Select the CSU+ Books and Media collection in Onesearch to find and request materials

Interlibrary Loan

  • Request articles and books not in CSU+ (not textbooks) through interlibrary loan
  • Books typically arrive in 7-10 business days, articles in 2-3 business days
  • Loan period for books varies, as is set by lending library. Articles arrive in PDF format and are accessible for 30 days
  • To request an item, log into your interlibrary loan account, and fill out a new request form