What, When and Where?
Posters will be displayed starting November 6th in the library through Thursday evening’s reception.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
4:00 - 6:00 pm
Library, 3rd Floor Balcony Gallery
Who should participate as exhibitors?
The Showcase is open to presenters from faculty, staff, and student organizations at Fresno State. Both individuals and teams are welcome.
What are the criteria for a good poster exhibit?
The poster should highlight how the project, process, experience, or collaboration supports Fresno State's internationalization efforts. Areas that may be considered, but not limited to:
Submitted posters from the International Showcase 2017 can be viewed here: http://guides.library.fresnostate.edu/iew
Who is the audience?
How do I create a poster?
We ask that all participants choose one of the three poster board templates that will be sent to you to choose from once your proposal is approved.
What information should I include on my poster?
This is entirely up to you. Consider what elements are needed to best illustrate your project, work, or initiative. Feel free to pick and choose what works best to tell your story.
What will my display look like?
Questions/More information?
Contact intlstudentservices@csufresno.edu or Tucker Blagen at 278-5452.