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Communication Research Guide

Research Guide for Communication majors and students enrolled in Communication classes

Library Blurb

Include the Library in Your Syllabus!

To make sure your students know how the library can support them, please consider including language about the Library in your course syllabi. This guide includes suggestions syllabus language, one focusing on research help and one covering a wider range of library services. Feel free to use or adapt these examples.

You may also check whether there is a relevant Research Guide, and consider whether to include contact information for your Subject Librarian.

If you will be including library-licensed resources in your syllabus or course shell, please review the best practices for Linking to Library Resources.

Subject Librarians

Subject Librarians

A subject librarian or liaison is a librarian who has been designated as the contact person to help facilitate communication between the library and the university's academic programs. Our librarians are dedicated to helping your students develop information literacy skills. To this end, we offer course-related library instruction, online guides and tutorials, and individual or small group research assistance. To schedule library instruction for your class please contact your subject librarian directly. Provide as much advance notice as possible and plan to attend the class session with your students.

Subject librarians will help students and faculty with:

  • finding information
  • using databases & accessing materials
  • using the EndNote citation management software
  • using Library services and collections

Contact us for:

  • in-depth individual & group consultations
  • customized instruction, online research guides, and tutorials 
  • integrating information literacy into your curriculum 

We look forward to hearing from you and your students! 

Recommending Resources for the Collection

Recommending Resources for the Library to Purchase

The library values your insight and appreciates any recommendations for resources that you would like to see added to the collection. Please complete the library's Online Suggest a Purchase form to make recommendations for purchase.

You may also contact your subject librarian to discuss resources that you would like to see added to the collection.