BOOLEAN OPERATORS for Finding Relevant Articles
AND – Use AND when you want documents that contain all terms to appear in your results.
e.g. women AND military
OR – Use OR when you want documents that contain either one of the terms to appear in your results.
e.g. youth OR adolescent OR teenager
NOT – Use NOT when you want to exclude documents that contain terms following NOT in your results.
e.g. women AND California NOT “Los Angeles”
“ ” Quotes – Enclose specific phrases in double quotation marks when you want documents that contain the exact phrases in your results.
e.g. “civil rights” AND women
“The Old Man and the Sea” - exact title
( ) Parentheses – Enclose terms in parentheses you want to group together.
e.g. (women OR female) AND (ethnicity OR race)
* Asterisk as wildcard
e.g. femini* returns all documents containing a word beginning with crim (feminine, feminism, feminism, feminist, etc.)
wom*n returns all documents containing woman or women
Popular articles are viewed as having less credibility. This is why your instructor often request that you find "scholarly or academic articles", not "popular articles" for your research papers.
Scholarly Articles