Raisins drying on paper trays. This is one of hundreds of images created from Professor Vincent Petrucci's travel and research slides digitized by the Viticulture & Enology Library.
The Viticulture & Enology Library is home to a large collection of proceedings, many unique to our library. Featured in this collection are proceedings from conferences, seminars, and workshops hosted by Fresno State. There are over 100 proceedings. If you are interested in physical copies of any proceedings produced by the Department of Viticulture and Enology or the Viticulture and Enology Research Center, please contact library staff.
The slide collection consists of nearly 10,000 mounted 35mm slides used by Professor Emeritus V.E. Petrucci for instruction in his courses, as well as documenting the development of the viticulture and enology academic and research program at Fresno State from the 1960s into the 1980s. Included are images of viticultural practices from around the world, including eastern Europe and Russia, South Africa, Italy, Japan, all throughout South America and the Middle East; a comprehensive gallery of vine pests and diseases as well as management and control of the resulting damage; and many slides documenting the methodology of research projects conducted throughout these years by the Viticulture and Enology Research Center (VERC).
Digitized images are currently available for distribution; for access to or questions about the images within this collection, please contact library staff.
The pamphlet and newsletter collection consists of over 1,000 publications from as early as 1910. These pieces of ephemera reflect various aspects of viticulture and enology, from pest management guides issued by the USDA to raisin recipes for busy families released by marketing agencies in the 1960s.
Due to the sometimes delicate and rare condition of these historic pieces, the pamphlet and newsletter collection is for in-library use only. However, recognizing the value of this resource to the public, the library has processed the collection for inclusion in the Garabedian Digital Collection to provide greater access to these pieces. There are over 100 digitized items currently available here.
For any questions about this collection, please contact library staff.
The Research Gray Literature collection includes descriptive information that can be used to find related materials across the research gray literature and slide collections. An index to the research literature reports by decade and then by year can be found here. This index is updated as new reports are added to the collection.
To retrieve text of a report or any affiliated documents or slides on ScholarWorks
Additionally, the Vincent E. Petrucci Gray Literature Collection can be navigated using the original index used by Professor Petrucci to organize the research literature output of the Viticulture and Enology Research Center. As an example, an excerpt of the index is shown here. All documents related to this project can be found using the index code, which consists of the top-level subject (e.g., GRA, RAI, MISC), and mid-level project code. Some projects also have a sub-level indicating an additional component of the project.
This code can be entered into the search field of CSU ScholarWorks search field. The results returned will include all records with this code-- in this instance, GRA 4.6, or everything related to the Bayfolan-Helena project.